खुला पत्र लिखने वाले रवीश को पत्रकार निदा रहमानी का खुला पत्र

रवीश कुमार,संपादक,एनडीटीवी इंडिया
रवीश कुमार,संपादक,एनडीटीवी इंडिया

एनडीटीवी के रवीश कुमार की ब्रांडिंग सरोकारी पत्रकार की बनी है और न्यूज़रूम में रहते हुए भी अपने इस ब्रांडिंग को कायम रखने के लिए कभी वे टीवी स्क्रीन को काला करते हैं तो कभी पुलिस अधिकारियों को खुला पत्र लिखते हैं. लेकिन जब मामला अपनी बिरादरी का आता है तो अक्सर चुप्पी मार जाते हैं और यदि लिखते भी हैं तो स्पष्ट न लिखकर उसमें भाषाई कलाबाजी कर जाते हैं.इसी संदर्भ में रवीश कुमार की ही तर्ज पर उनको आईना दिखाते हुए सहारा की पत्रकार निदा रहमान ने फेसबुक पर उनको खुला पत्र लिखा है जिसमें पत्रकार बिरादरी के पत्रकारों के लिए आवाज़ उठाने के लिए कहा गया है. पूरा पत्र :

निदा रहमानी

रवीश कुमार के नाम खुला पत्र…….

आदरणीय रवीश जी

मुझे नहीं मालूम इस पत्र की शुरुआत कहां से करूं, बहुत दिन सोचने के बाद अब रहा नहीं गया इसलिए आपको ये खुला पत्र लिख रही हैं। खुला पत्र इसलिए क्योंकि आपके लिखे खुले पत्र पढ़ने के बाद मुझे यही सही तरीका लगा अपनी बात परेशानी और दर्द बयां करने का। आपको ये पत्र इसिलए भी लिख रही हूं क्योंकि आपसे उम्मीद कि आप दूसरे शोषित, परेशान,तबके की तरह हमारी समस्या के लिए भी आवाज़ उठाएंगे । मथुरा में जवाहर बाग कांड के बाद आपने ने पुलिस अधिकारियों- कर्मचारियों के नाम खुला पत्र लिखा तो उम्मीद जगी कि आप मीडिया संस्थान से जुड़े लोगों पर चुप नही रहेंगे। मैंने अपने तथाकथित पत्रकारिता जीवन के 12 साल एक राष्ट्रवादी संस्था सहारा इंडिया परिवार को दे दिए लेकिन आज मैं वहीं खड़ी हूं जहां से शुरुआत की थी, मैं बल्कि संस्था के सैंकड़ो कर्मचारी मेरे जैसे हालात में हैं । राष्ट्रीय सहारा को इस बरस 25 साल पूरे हुए हैं। लेकिन यहां अपनी ज़िंदगी देने वाले कर्मचारी आज राष्ट्रीय सहारा कैंपस के बाहर अपने बारह महीने का वेतन लेने के लिए धरने पर हैं। आप ही की तरह मुझे भी पत्रकारों और मीडियाकर्मियों की खामोशी कचोटती है जिन्हें अपने ही तरह के लोगों का दर्द दिखाई नहीं दे रहा है। इतना भयंकर सन्नाटा और अंधेरा है कि डर लगता है कि हमने कहां अपना जीवन स्वाहा कर दिया। दूसरे के हक की बात करते करते हम अपने हक के लिए समर्थन नहीं जुटा पा रहे है।

एक हज़ार से ऊपर करे कर्मचारी दो सालों से परेशान हैं, वेतन नहीं मिलने के वजह से भूखे मरने की नौबत आ गई है,साथ काम करने वालों के बच्चों के नाम कट गए, कुछ अपना परिवार गांव छो आए , दर्जनों लोग लाखों रुपए के कर्ज में डूब गए और अब उनका कर्ज खत्म होने का नाम नहीं ले रहा है। कोई हार्ट अटैक से मर गया किसी को लकवा मार गया । किसी ने बेटी की शादी के लिए घर बार बेंच दिया तो कोई अपने बच्चे की फीस नहीं दे पाने की वजह से स्कूल नहीं भेज रहा है। बच्चों की टाफी, खिलौने तो दूर उनका दूध तक बंद करना पड गया है। 12 महीने की वकाया वेतन के इंतजार में लोग समय से पहले बूढे हो गए हैं। प्रबंधन बार बार आश्वाससन देता है अब तो नौबत ये आ गई प्रबंधन कह रहा है काम करना है तो ऐसे ही करो वरना बाहर बैठो। सैंकड़ों कर्मचारी नौकरी छोड़ कर जा चुके हैं और जो हैं वो जून में खुले आसमान के नीचे बैठे हैं।

आपको ये पत्र लिखने का मकसद सिर्फ इतना कि शायद मीडियाकर्मियों , पत्रकारों के कानों पर जूं रेंगे। वैसे उम्मीद किसी से नहीं करनी चाहिए फिर भी आपकों ये खुला पत्र लिख रही हूं क्योंकि आप शायद चुप ना रहें। मुझे नहीं पता कि आपको हमारे साथियों की बदहाली के बारे में पता है या नहीं लेकिन एक कोशिश कर रही हूं आप तक अपनी बात पहुंचाने की । हम दूसरों के खबर बनाते रहे दिखाते रहे लेकिन देखिए ना हमने ज़िंदगी में ये कमाया कि कोई न्यूज़ चैनल हमारी खबर सुपर फीफ्टी या वीएसटी तक में नहीं चला रहा है, अखबारों में हम सिंगल कॉलम खबर तक नहीं हैं। जैसे आपको दो पुलिस अधिकारियों की शहादत पर बाकी पुलिस अधिकारियों की चुप्पी कचोट रही थी वैसे ही मझे भी मीडिया मेंकाम करनेवाले साथियों की खामोंशी काट रही है। क्योंकि जिन्होंने अपनी ज़िंदगी पत्रकारिता के नाम कर दी वो आज गुमनाम अंधेरे में मरने को हैं।

आदरणीय रवीश जी सवाल सिर्फ हमारे मुद्दे पर खामोशी का नहीं है बल्कि तमाम मीडिया संस्थानों में काम करने वाले कर्मचारियों पत्रकारों के शोषण का भी है, दूसरों के हक का झंडा बुलंद करने वाले मीडिया कर्मी को कब कोई न्यूज़ चैनल या अखबार प्रबंधन बाहर का रास्ता दिखा देगा पता ही नहीं चलता है, जीवन में इतना डर तो फिर हम कैसे दूसरों को अधिकार दिलाने का दम भरतेहैं, जो अपने ही साथियों की बदहाली पर चुप है। किसी को फर्क नहीं पड़ रहा है कि हज़ारों कर्मचारी सड़क पर आ गए है। डर इस बात का है कि ये चुप्पी हम सबको एक एक कर निगल रही है। बिहार, उत्तराखंड, यूपी या किसी अन्य प्रदेश में पत्रकार या संवाददाता की हत्या पर तो बवाल मचता है, कुछ बड़े पत्रकार सोशल मीडिया पर भड़ास निकालते हैं, मामला ज्यादा बड़ा हो तो दिल्ली में विरोध प्रदर्शन हो जाता है लेकिन जब तमाम बड़े न्यूज़ चैनल और अखबार बिना किसी वजह के बेड पर्फोर्मेंस का हवाला देकर दर्जनों कर्मचारियों को एक साथ निकाल देते हैं तो ऐसा हंगामा क्यों नहीं होता है। आखिर इस चुप्पी की वजह क्या है,क्या रसूखदार मालिकों के सामने बोलने की हिम्मत आपमें और किसी और बड़े पत्रकार में नहीं है।

मुझे नहीं पता कि मेरा ये खुला पत्र आपके लिए या किसी और के लिए मायने रखता है या नहीं लेकिन हम सब उम्मीद लगाए हैं इस चुप्पी के टूटने की, क्योंकि लोगों ने जिस मीडिया को अपनी ज़िदगी दे दी वही मीडिया उनको अनसुना कर रहा है। हमारा होना ना होना किसी के लिए मायने नहीं रखता है शायद आपके लिए भी ना हो लेकिन जब आप मथुरा वाले मामले पर पुलिस अधिकारियों को उनकी चुप्पी पर खुला पत्र लिखते हैं तो मुझसे भी रहा नहीं गया, मैं एक छोटी सी मीडियाकर्मी जो अपने साथियों के साथ जूझ रही है अपने हक के लिए।

आशा है कि कोई ना कोई ये खुला पत्र आप तक पहुंचा ही देगा और तब शायद आप भी हमारी हिम्मत और हौसला बढ़ाए क्योंकि हम जो लड़ाई लड़ रहे हैं वो कल किसी और की भी हो सकती है।

आपकी लेखनी और पत्रकारिता को नमन करने वाली निदा रहमान



    – Dr. Balram Misra

    Our media attitude towards the deprived, cheated, hence poor population of our country has tremendous scope of improvement There is no doubt that a very considerable part of media, like politics, is functioning like business concerns and it has little interest in poor. It is a profession, not a mission like it was committed to be during pre- Independence days. The sole aim of the professional media barons appears to be making money through publishing / telecasting / texting sensational news collected / managed /coloured / imagined / manufactured/cooked or manipulated by their correspondents, often paid less salary, but enjoying full liberty to compensate through yellow journalism. Most of the hands doing so come from poor backgrounds. With their media credentials they move in high circles with often threatening and sometimes blackmailing assumptions of supremacy. In press conferences they enjoy high teas and good food with dignitaries in five star hotels. Back home when they face the diagonally opposite scenario of abject poverty and the pitiable limitations they get frustrated. Negativity becomes the dominant trend of their being. No progress or positive development in society or government attracts their attention. They become fond of seeing and reporting only losses, damages, failures and lapses and try to become rich by all means, foul or fair. The missionary zeal they nourished and vowed to perpetuate when they were in colleges and universities gets auctioned in media market. They become careerists, and careerism dictates their vanquished conscience to shut up and do whatever asked to do. The worst trend that sneaks into their being is their conviction that nothing can change status quo except piles of currency notes. I quote here a few instances I came across.
    Years back correspondent of a reputed Delhi based English language newspaper group published a story about some alleged statement of a prominent leader. It was odd, so I decided to go to depth, and came to know that the leader had not spoken at all on the reported topic. The presentation of the story was so attractive that it could hardly be doubted. I contacted the learned correspondent and wanted to know about the source of the news story. He was all smiles, and confidentially acknowledged to me that the story was cooked by him to oblige editorial policy. His command over English language, passion for details and insinuations, extra ordinarily fertile imagination, and the lucidity palpably found in his expressions, both, spoken and written, were so great that doubting his reports was not possible always. He was gifted with all such qualities of head and heart that could make him a wonderful novelist, had he been initiated in the field of novel writing. As a journalist he was especially gifted to shape any existing or non-existing news to create any desired popular view, and the vice-versa. His professional skill and power of imagination suited his masters who paid him handsomely. His life style and that of his family make him give deaf year to the voice of his conscience, and obey the call of careerism. He very beautifully explained to me that poverty, like water, cannot be done away with. Only change of place and / or form and / or degrees takes place, but it exists and remains a subject of living by the hapless victims and matter of discussion by school teachers, preachers, and the professional politicians, not the media, unless it creates a big news for strategic use by the media barons.

    A Hindi publication of another big media group attracted my attention, in deed, not always for good reasons. Its news items were burdened with lopsided views encouraging a particular business like ideological whim, so I decided to point out at least two bizarre news items daily and write daily to the editor of the daily on a post card for many weeks. Heading of the daily write ups was RET KE DO KAN (two sand particles). To me the newspaper was always like curd. Curd is a substance formed from coagulation of milk, and the curd had many sand particles. Sand particles meant the irresponsible and bizarre reporting of forged news. I quoted only two cases of bizarre reporting under the said heading. The news happening outside the news room was like milk. The sand particles spoiled the taste of curd. My post cards made no difference, and the status quo continued, though as a reader of the newspaper I expected my views to be published, but they were simply ignored. So I decided to meet the editor and talk to him about the editorial oddities. The editor was academically a highly qualified, journalistically well equipped and politically a blue eyed man of some. I asked him rather bluntly why his pursuit of Saraswati was always ignored or superseded by his craze for Lakshmi. He ignored my query smilingly, and wanted to keep me occupied with the usual exchange of pleasantries. When the purpose of my meeting was clear to him he pulled my post cards from his in-tray and reshuffling them he responded very coolly, but not un- sarcastically: Aap mujhe bees karor rupaye de deejiye. Main aap kee saari aadarshvaadi baton par amal karoon gaa. (Please give me twenty crore rupees, and I shall abide by all of your idealistic talk and do what you want me to do). I was astonished. My unsuppressed bewilderment made his eloquence sharper, and he opened his heart and mouth: “I do not serve ideologies. I serve my employer who had invested many crores in opening and running this newspaper. I must take care of my job that gives me and my family regular flow of life. I am now used to good living, good food, and good drinks. I can understand your point of view and I will do accordingly if I own a newspaper. I can have my own newspaper if I have at least twenty crore rupees”. He continued, “Jaanaami dharmam na cha me pravruttih , jaanaamyadharmam na cha me nivruttih” ( I know what is righteousness but I have no inclination to commit to it. I know what is not righteous but I have no aversion for it). He quoted Duryodhana from the Mahabharata, and reminded me of the Geeta’s dictum that those not knowing pravrutti and nivrutti can not be truthful. That was what the editor lectured to me in a friendly manner. I got the message. It was not the case of following gentle dictates of conscience. It was the rude call of market and career. I took leave of him, and stopped wasting money on post cards. It was absolutely a private conversation, and I have kept the promise not to quote his name or that of his newspaper.

    In a bid to verify the veracity of a news item released by a Delhi based news agency, when I contacted the originator of the report he very jovially conceded that the practice of cooking news was the compulsion of reporters. Unbearable pressure from the bureau chiefs to bring presentable news for daily bulletins often results in cooking presentable newsitems. “We are paid not only for collecting news, but for our flights of imagination also for necessary treatment of a news. No consumable item, including news, is sold without due treatment. In absence of a news that does not go in favour of our editorial/ ideological/political policies we have to do something with riders like ‘through our reliable sources’. Nobody can question our ‘sources’. News, like fish, has to be cooked in hundreds of ways, keeping in view tastes of consumers and sale potential. If synthetic milk, fake gold and pearls, and even fake currency notes can be in vogue in market, why not news? The idea of news sans views is impossible”, he argued.
    Obeying the editorial policy of his Delhi based Hindi newspaper a reporter reported something aimed at damaging reputation of a Telugu speaking leader posted from A.P. to Delhi. The leader had little knowledge of Hindi. One of the words the leader was reported to have said about another leader the reporter believed to belong to opposite group was TAKSHAK (serpent). When contacted to react on his alleged comment the leader gave a hearty laughter, and explained that he had not spoken even a single word against the said leader, or anybody else. ‘By the way, what does this word TAKSHAK mean’? he asked me. Both, the report and the reaction, became a source of amusement for many days for many.

    Ordinarily it is believed that the bureau chiefs or editors cross check all the published news. It is not the case in all respects. While in a remote village I noticed a neta type young man on a motor cycle. Hindi word PATRAKAARA, meaning a journalist, inscribed on metallic plates fixed on the front and back of a motorcycle made me chat with the man driving it. It transpired that the semi-literate man was originally a farmer-cum- newspaper vendor who, after passing High School examination had started a part time job of ‘supplying’ news of the rural area to a city based correspondent.

    What news do you supply? I asked.

    In villages there are hardly any news. Whenever there is some political rally or some dharna for building road or lacunaein PDS, some news comes up.

    I see many villagers quarrelling with Pradhan ji (village head) for getting BPL cards .There are complaints about improper distribution of kerosene and sugar. Do these reports not make news?

    These are the usual things in every village, and everyone knows about them. Then I have to live in the village. I cannot dare to report such usual things in press. He chuckled and took my leave. Obviously, no responsible media person has time for examining the problems faced by villagers. They are pre occupied with bigger and juicy scandals involving some very rich urbanites.

    The most important fact media barons and their employees ignore is the crucial tug of war between two strong forces. Broadly speaking those forces may be called pro– India and anti- India. The anti -India forces are determined to disintegrate the nation and then distribute its parts among them-selves, or sell them to their foreign –masters. The pro- India forces are determined to keep the integrity and sovereignty of their nation in tact by all means. The tug of war, its implications, and the consequences, must get serious attention of the media barons and their employees. Accustomed to think in terms of short term gains they ignore this big problem. They must debunk and aim to neutralize the anti- India forces to avoid any further damage to the integrity and sovereignty of India. They must save India. Who will live if India does not? Everything is in the hands of media barons and their editors, bureau chiefs, correspondents and the reporters.
    Is it not true that the shining achievements of the world famous Modi Government are not visible to some groups of news channels and newspapers? Their commitment to Mughal, British, and the dynastic rule continues unabashedly.
    ( This article was written by the author many years back, but its contents do challenge the editorial policies of most of the media bosses even today, and crave for remedial action by Modi Government.)



    – Dr. Balram Misra

    Our media attitude towards the deprived, cheated, hence poor population of our country has tremendous scope of improvement There is no doubt that a very considerable part of media, like politics, is functioning like business concerns and it has little interest in poor. It is a profession, not a mission like it was committed to be during pre- Independence days. The sole aim of the professional media barons appears to be making money through publishing / telecasting / texting sensational news collected / managed /coloured / imagined / manufactured/cooked or manipulated by their correspondents, often paid less salary, but enjoying full liberty to compensate through yellow journalism. Most of the hands doing so come from poor backgrounds. With their media credentials they move in high circles with often threatening and sometimes blackmailing assumptions of supremacy. In press conferences they enjoy high teas and good food with dignitaries in five star hotels. Back home when they face the diagonally opposite scenario of abject poverty and the pitiable limitations they get frustrated. Negativity becomes the dominant trend of their being. No progress or positive development in society or government attracts their attention. They become fond of seeing and reporting only losses, damages, failures and lapses and try to become rich by all means, foul or fair. The missionary zeal they nourished and vowed to perpetuate when they were in colleges and universities gets auctioned in media market. They become careerists, and careerism dictates their vanquished conscience to shut up and do whatever asked to do. The worst trend that sneaks into their being is their conviction that nothing can change status quo except piles of currency notes. I quote here a few instances I came across.
    Years back correspondent of a reputed Delhi based English language newspaper group published a story about some alleged statement of a prominent leader. It was odd, so I decided to go to depth, and came to know that the leader had not spoken at all on the reported topic. The presentation of the story was so attractive that it could hardly be doubted. I contacted the learned correspondent and wanted to know about the source of the news story. He was all smiles, and confidentially acknowledged to me that the story was cooked by him to oblige editorial policy. His command over English language, passion for details and insinuations, extra ordinarily fertile imagination, and the lucidity palpably found in his expressions, both, spoken and written, were so great that doubting his reports was not possible always. He was gifted with all such qualities of head and heart that could make him a wonderful novelist, had he been initiated in the field of novel writing. As a journalist he was especially gifted to shape any existing or non-existing news to create any desired popular view, and the vice-versa. His professional skill and power of imagination suited his masters who paid him handsomely. His life style and that of his family make him give deaf year to the voice of his conscience, and obey the call of careerism. He very beautifully explained to me that poverty, like water, cannot be done away with. Only change of place and / or form and / or degrees takes place, but it exists and remains a subject of living by the hapless victims and matter of discussion by school teachers, preachers, and the professional politicians, not the media, unless it creates a big news for strategic use by the media barons.

    A Hindi publication of another big media group attracted my attention, in deed, not always for good reasons. Its news items were burdened with lopsided views encouraging a particular business like ideological whim, so I decided to point out at least two bizarre news items daily and write daily to the editor of the daily on a post card for many weeks. Heading of the daily write ups was RET KE DO KAN (two sand particles). To me the newspaper was always like curd. Curd is a substance formed from coagulation of milk, and the curd had many sand particles. Sand particles meant the irresponsible and bizarre reporting of forged news. I quoted only two cases of bizarre reporting under the said heading. The news happening outside the news room was like milk. The sand particles spoiled the taste of curd. My post cards made no difference, and the status quo continued, though as a reader of the newspaper I expected my views to be published, but they were simply ignored. So I decided to meet the editor and talk to him about the editorial oddities. The editor was academically a highly qualified, journalistically well equipped and politically a blue eyed man of some. I asked him rather bluntly why his pursuit of Saraswati was always ignored or superseded by his craze for Lakshmi. He ignored my query smilingly, and wanted to keep me occupied with the usual exchange of pleasantries. When the purpose of my meeting was clear to him he pulled my post cards from his in-tray and reshuffling them he responded very coolly, but not un- sarcastically: Aap mujhe bees karor rupaye de deejiye. Main aap kee saari aadarshvaadi baton par amal karoon gaa. (Please give me twenty crore rupees, and I shall abide by all of your idealistic talk and do what you want me to do). I was astonished. My unsuppressed bewilderment made his eloquence sharper, and he opened his heart and mouth: “I do not serve ideologies. I serve my employer who had invested many crores in opening and running this newspaper. I must take care of my job that gives me and my family regular flow of life. I am now used to good living, good food, and good drinks. I can understand your point of view and I will do accordingly if I own a newspaper. I can have my own newspaper if I have at least twenty crore rupees”. He continued, “Jaanaami dharmam na cha me pravruttih , jaanaamyadharmam na cha me nivruttih” ( I know what is righteousness but I have no inclination to commit to it. I know what is not righteous but I have no aversion for it). He quoted Duryodhana from the Mahabharata, and reminded me of the Geeta’s dictum that those not knowing pravrutti and nivrutti can not be truthful. That was what the editor lectured to me in a friendly manner. I got the message. It was not the case of following gentle dictates of conscience. It was the rude call of market and career. I took leave of him, and stopped wasting money on post cards. It was absolutely a private conversation, and I have kept the promise not to quote his name or that of his newspaper.

    In a bid to verify the veracity of a news item released by a Delhi based news agency, when I contacted the originator of the report he very jovially conceded that the practice of cooking news was the compulsion of reporters. Unbearable pressure from the bureau chiefs to bring presentable news for daily bulletins often results in cooking presentable newsitems. “We are paid not only for collecting news, but for our flights of imagination also for necessary treatment of a news. No consumable item, including news, is sold without due treatment. In absence of a news that does not go in favour of our editorial/ ideological/political policies we have to do something with riders like ‘through our reliable sources’. Nobody can question our ‘sources’. News, like fish, has to be cooked in hundreds of ways, keeping in view tastes of consumers and sale potential. If synthetic milk, fake gold and pearls, and even fake currency notes can be in vogue in market, why not news? The idea of news sans views is impossible”, he argued.
    Obeying the editorial policy of his Delhi based Hindi newspaper a reporter reported something aimed at damaging reputation of a Telugu speaking leader posted from A.P. to Delhi. The leader had little knowledge of Hindi. One of the words the leader was reported to have said about another leader the reporter believed to belong to opposite group was TAKSHAK (serpent). When contacted to react on his alleged comment the leader gave a hearty laughter, and explained that he had not spoken even a single word against the said leader, or anybody else. ‘By the way, what does this word TAKSHAK mean’? he asked me. Both, the report and the reaction, became a source of amusement for many days for many.

    Ordinarily it is believed that the bureau chiefs or editors cross check all the published news. It is not the case in all respects. While in a remote village I noticed a neta type young man on a motor cycle. Hindi word PATRAKAARA, meaning a journalist, inscribed on metallic plates fixed on the front and back of a motorcycle made me chat with the man driving it. It transpired that the semi-literate man was originally a farmer-cum- newspaper vendor who, after passing High School examination had started a part time job of ‘supplying’ news of the rural area to a city based correspondent.

    What news do you supply? I asked.

    In villages there are hardly any news. Whenever there is some political rally or some dharna for building road or lacunaein PDS, some news comes up.

    I see many villagers quarrelling with Pradhan ji (village head) for getting BPL cards .There are complaints about improper distribution of kerosene and sugar. Do these reports not make news?

    These are the usual things in every village, and everyone knows about them. Then I have to live in the village. I cannot dare to report such usual things in press. He chuckled and took my leave. Obviously, no responsible media person has time for examining the problems faced by villagers. They are pre occupied with bigger and juicy scandals involving some very rich urbanites.

    The most important fact media barons and their employees ignore is the crucial tug of war between two strong forces. Broadly speaking those forces may be called pro– India and anti- India. The anti -India forces are determined to disintegrate the nation and then distribute its parts among them-selves, or sell them to their foreign –masters. The pro- India forces are determined to keep the integrity and sovereignty of their nation in tact by all means. The tug of war, its implications, and the consequences, must get serious attention of the media barons and their employees. Accustomed to think in terms of short term gains they ignore this big problem. They must debunk and aim to neutralize the anti- India forces to avoid any further damage to the integrity and sovereignty of India. They must save India. Who will live if India does not? Everything is in the hands of media barons and their editors, bureau chiefs, correspondents and the reporters.
    Is it not true that the shining achievements of the world famous Modi Government are not visible to some groups of news channels and newspapers? Their commitment to Mughal, British, and the dynastic rule continues unabashedly.
    ( This article was written by the author many years back, but its contents do challenge the editorial policies of most of the media bosses even today, and crave for remedial action by Modi Government.)



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